Welcome to Safe and Drug Free Schools

Funding for Safe and Drug Free Schools is generated through taxes on tobacco products and lottery winnings. As such the revenue is dependent upon sales and winnings and can be difficult to approximate. Given this variability, applications will be reviewed, approved and funded as they are received and as revenue is available. If revenue is not available to fund approved applications, payments will be made as soon as the revenue is sufficient.

During the legislative session, 4,024,900 was allocated through House 629 for districts to implement substance abuse prevention measures and school safety improvements. The funding formula calls for a base amount of $2,000 for every district and public charter school plus a prorated amount based on the prior year's Average Daily Attendance (approximately $12.00 per student).

If you are encountering technical errors while using the Safe and Drug Free Funding Application, please contact the IT Help Desk at support@sde.idaho.gov.